Find A Community Group
Strengthening community, building resilience and working towards an equitable future for the generations to come. Supporting and volunteering with these groups might just find you fun, purpose and friends all in the one spot.

We are a community group, formed to nurture the recovery of the natural environment at East Bendigo Natural Reserve (Riley St East Bendigo).

Friends of the Wellsford Forest
We are working to protect the Wellsford Forest particularly from the devastating effects of on-going logging.
Habitat for small mammals, bird species and insects and rare flora have been removed or burned and areas surrounding the ancient Ironbarks destroyed.

Friends of the Whipstick Forest
The Friends of the Whipstick is a new group formed with the purpose of protecting, promoting and enjoying the Whipstick Bush.
If you are interested in learning more about us you can contact us at:

Enable access to bicycles for those who are not in a financial position to purchase either a new or second-hand bike but are in need of transport.
We are looking for volunteers with bike maintenance and repair skills.

Bike Bendigo
Bike Bendigo is a not for profit organisation making bike riding an easy and attractive option for all ages and abilities.
Check out their website for great resources to help you feel more confident riding on Bendigo roads.

Bendigo Community Toy Library
With over 1500 toys the Bendigo Community Toy Library is a fantastic way to provide your children with a wide range of play experiences for a fraction of the cost without cluttering your house.

Central Victorian Australian Conservation Foundation
Show up, speak out and act!
Our aim is to bring together people from Central Victoria who are worried about pollution and extinction in our natural world. The group meets monthly and we welcome new members who share our concerns. Come along and find out what you can do to help in both local and national campaigns.

Bendigo Sustainability Group
The Bendigo Sustainability Group focuses on sustainable living, through active projects and information and awareness raising with the whole community. Join a group of independent, community-focused folk who are committed to a sustainable Bendigo region.
Find us on Facebook

Bendigo and District Environment Council
BDEC is a community based not for profit organization with a broad experience and depth of knowledge of environmental issues and the social problems surrounding these issues. BDEC's membership boasts a diverse background that has formulated many community based submissions for proposals that have had significant community impact.

Iron Bark Gully Friends Landcare Group
Get active with all the projects this group offers to "Grow Together a Healthy Community": families, neighbours and friends getting together to build strong community connections while working on a shared pathway from Nolan Street to Eaglehawk Road. Everyone is welcome!
Find us on Facebook.

PepperGreen Farm
Come along to PepperGreen Farm and experience the diverse environmental activities that are available: growing vegetables and then using them in the cafe, providing a base for artists to work and people to meet, caring for historical relics of Bendigo's goldfields Chinese community, PepperGreen Farm has something for everyone.
Check them out here
and don't forget to visit!

Bendigo Field Naturalists Club
Want to find out more about the amazing flora and fauna which share this patch of planet with us? Bendigo Field Naturalists Club offers regular active workshops for members to learn about the other living things around us: forest ecology, observation of birds, plants, fungi, and insects, and natural history.
Check out the website

Bendigo Family Nature Club
The activities of the Bendigo Family Nature Club are perfect for the whole family to learn something about the natural world. Every 3rd Sunday of the month, your family can join with experienced naturalists from the Bendigo Field Naturalists Club to explore such delights as fungi, moths, Big Trees, or finding fossils.
The website is:
Don't miss out on the fun!
Wildlife Rescue and Information Network
WRIN is a network of volunteers who help sick, injured or orphaned wildlife.
WRIN needs volunteers for monitoring the phones, operating shelters, providing hands-on care and fostering animals till they are well. You can help by being a member or a volunteer.
WRIN holds education events from time to time and warmly welcomes your interest.
Check out their Face book page

Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Do you live in the northern suburbs of Bendigo and want to help protect and develop a healthy environment? This is your group!
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group aims to protect and enhance the local environment in the communities of White Hills, Epsom, Huntly and Bagshot, in a corridor linked by the Bendigo Creek and nestled between the Wellsford State Forest and Greater Bendigo National Park.
Check out Facebook for more info:

Junortoun Community Action Group
The Junortoun Community Action Group is a volunteer organisation working to make Junortoun a better place to live.
It's an active group, involving the whole community in looking after the natural environment.
See what's happening at

Friends of Spring Gully Reserve
This group of volunteers working in the Spring Gully Reserve wants to improve the habitat and community connections while developing knowledge of the flora and fauna which live there. Families are very welcome to come to the activities. To find out whats coming up, check the Facebook page
"Friends of Spring Gully Reserve."

Australian Parents for Climate Action-Bendigo
This group of parents is on a mission to empower parents, carers, families and everyone who cares about kids, to advocate for urgent action on climate. Get involved! Activities are non-partisan, engage communities and politicians in climate solutions, and amplify positive stories.
Find out more
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Bendigo Repair Cafe
Do you have stuff at home which needs fixing but you don't know where to take it? Bendigo Repair Cafe's marvellous volunteers will help you fix things, whether they be construction to electronics, sewing to computers. Don't throw your stuff away- join the recycling and sharing economy to give your stuff new life.

Friends of Crusoe Reservoir and No 7 Park
Another beautiful place in Bendigo for us to help look after! Join the "Friends" group of volunteers who help protect, promote and develop the park. Be rewarded by up-close contact with native animals and plants in frog ponds, nest boxes, and the box ironbark forest.
Check us out on Facebook!

Eaglehawk Recycle Shop
Sort, re-use and recycle at the Eaglehawk Recycle Shop!
The Eaglehawk Recycle Shop is a not-for-profit enterprise with the aim of diverting reusable items and recyclable waste from landfill and creating local jobs for people previously unemployed.
You never know what you will find in the shop-just what you need!